We opened our doors during Doors Open Ottawa

We are thrilled with the wonderful turnout at the Ottawa Food Bank during Doors Open Ottawa. We welcomed 185 visitors and gave 14 tours of our new facility on Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.

We are so grateful for your interest and support. We know our location at 2001 Bantree Street is quite the distance from the downtown core, but you still made the effort to come and see how we operate and collaborate with our network of partners.

As this year’s theme for Open Doors Ottawa was “food”, we truly appreciate everyone who took the time to write on a paper plate what food means to them. It was so great to see our wall fill with words and pictures from our community.

We also want to thank those who generously donated food or cash during the event. Your kindness makes a difference in the lives of many.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for being part of our community!

Thank you for joining us!


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