ADVOCATE: Week 2 of Hunger Action Month

Hunger Action Month is a time for all communities across Canada to come together and learn about food insecurity, while advocating for change and supporting our neighbours.

The second theme of Hunger Action Month is ADVOCATE.

One of the things we advocate for the most is an actionable Poverty Reduction Strategy. Did you know that the City of Ottawa doesn’t currently have one? Our CEO, Rachael Wilson, meets with our municipal elected officials as often as possible to ensure our voice is heard on behalf of those in our city who are living in poverty and experiencing food insecurity.

How do you advocate for change in our city? We’d love to hear it. Share your ideas through social media and tag us. Make sure you use the hashtag #HungerActionMonth!

Want to know how else you can help?

Tell Your MPP to close the housing gap! Commit to creating more affordable housing so people don’t have to choose between paying for food and paying rent.

Right now, Ontario only spends 0.3% of its budget on housing programs, and will be spending $160 million/year less over the next few years.

Click the button below to learn more and email a digital postcard to you MPP. Fill out the “Close the Housing Gap” form and Feed Ontario will automatically contact your MPP to let them know you’re concerned about Ontario’s need for affordable housing.


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