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Holiday Food Drive 2022

Collect for those in need this holiday season!

It is hard enough to not be able to provide gifts to your loved ones at this time of year. But not being able to provide food either is heartbreaking!

That’s why, each November, we call on YOU and challenge  neighbourhoods, sports teams, faith communities, workplaces, and other groups across Ottawa to collect funds and non-perishable food for families in need, as part of our Holiday Food Drive, presented by our sponsor Mosaic.

How it works:

  • Register your Holiday Food Drive through our online registration form to set up your virtual fund drive or physical food drive
  • If you request it upon registration, we will pick up your donations in December
  • You’ll find your Holiday Food Drive event materials here

Fill a fridge!

We’re counting on our community to help us fill as many refrigerators as possible! It can cost a family of four $336 per week to fill their fridge with nutritious food.  You can help them stock up by raising funds or collecting food.

The Holiday Food Drive is a great way to kick off the holiday season, and the proceeds help the Ottawa Food Bank provide food and support to the network of member agencies and their communities well into the winter months.

For more information, or if you have any Holiday Food Drive questions, please contact our Events Team at events@ottawafoodbank.ca

The minimum limit for donation pick-ups is waived for Holiday Food Drive participants, however if you are able to drop off your donations, it is still greatly appreciated.


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