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Ottawa Food Bank Town Hall: Centralized Home Food Delivery Service RFP

As part of the ongoing Request for Proposal process to find an incoming organization to support home deliveries for food security agencies in Ottawa, the Ottawa Food Bank will be hosting a Town Hall session on October 31st between 2:30-3:30pm. The purpose of this session is to provide an opportunity for potential applicants to learn more on how the RFP was developed, and to ask questions that have arisen after reviewing the RFP document (e.g., questions focus on deliverables, financial support, scalability, sustainability, etc.).


Those who are interested in understanding more about the process and the overall transition are welcome to join and listen; however, only questions specific to helping potential applicants develop their bids will be addressed at this time.


The session will be moderated by Laridae, with responses from the OFB team. Please use the Zoom link below to register for this session. Should you run into issues, or have questions relating to registration, please contact Jennifer at jennifer@laridaemc.com.


Ottawa Food Bank Town Hall re: the Centralized Home Food Delivery Service RFP

When: Oct 31, 2022, 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for this meeting:



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We also welcome potential applicants to submit their questions in advance to jennifer@laridaemc.com and we will work to address them in the session.


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