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POSTPONED – St. Patrick’s Day Parade

UPDATE: The St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the corresponding party later in the day have been postponed until further notice by the Irish Society of the National Capital Region. For more details, please reach out to them directly.

Join us in celebrating the luck o’ the Irish!St. Patrick's Day Ottawa Food Bank

We are happy to be back at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade collecting food and funds along the route.

As in previous years, the Parade will leave the intersection of Elgin Street and Laurier Avenue West. The parade will proceed along Laurier Avenue to Bank Street and then South on Bank Street to end at Lansdowne Park.

The festivities are on Saturday, March 14, starting at 11 a.m. Bring your donations, and our staff and volunteers will find you in the crowd along the way!

Join us and wear all the green you can find!

Thank you to the Irish Society of the National Capital Region for including us and encouraging parade fans to bring donations.


