Heart Month Week 3: The Facts on Fats

  • Some fats are essential to good health and will prevent nutrient deficiency
  • Fats also help the body to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K.
  • Fats are a great source of energy

When we think of fats in relation to heart health, we think of cholesterol and inflammation. The aim of a heart healthy diet is to include lots of healthy fats and less of the fats that our bodies just don’t need. This helps keep cholesterol levels normal and reduces inflammation.

So what are the fats we need, and where can we find them? We need more of the healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats, we need less of the less healthy saturated fats.

Omega-3 fats are essential for good health and can be found in:

Omega-6 fats are also essential for good health and can be found in:

Saturated fats are not essential to health and often not heart healthy. They can be found in:

Luckily for Canadians, trans fats were banned from the Canada’s food system as of Fall 2018. These fats were particularly hazardous to our health and were found mainly in processed foods. This is good news for all our hearts!


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