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Namaste India: A Virtual Voyage

Are you missing the excitement of traveling to new and exotic locations? COVID-19 has kept us all within our own borders. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t take a virtual voyage across the world!

Journey with us to “Namaste India” on Sunday, July 26th at 11:00 am EST where you will experience the cultural mix of food, art and music.

During this virtual experience, you will learn how to create an Indian meal, see the lovely work of a sand artist, hear traditional folk music, smile with some comedy, and test your knowledge of this great country. Best of all, this incredible experience is absolutely free!

Although there is no obligation, we hope you will consider making an online donation as any proceeds raised will go to well-deserved charities including The Ottawa Food Bank, the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Center, Candlelighters, and the Ottawa River Keeper.

For more information on how to access this free event, please visit our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram and our web site at https://www.namasteindia2020.ca





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