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OC Transpo / Loblaw Christmas Food Drive

Donate to the OC Transpo online food drive today

Over the summer and into the fall, food bank usage across the city rose by nearly 17%. This trend has the potential to continue, as not everyone has a job to return to as our city continues to open up and return to “normal”.

Last year, the Ottawa Food Bank spent over $2.2 million a year on food to ensure they are able to keep up with demand and providing a variety of nutritious food options. Because the Ottawa Food Bank can obtain food in such large quantities and have amazing food industry partners and supporters, we are able to make your donation go further. This means that every dollar donated equals $5 of food delivered to the community.

Interested in finding out how you can get involved? Click here for volunteer registration!

A special thank you to our incredible retail partners!



Need food?

Use our look up tool to find the community food program in your neighbourhood.