Fall 2021 Newsletter – How Your Contribution Helps

Your kind-hearted contributions to the Ottawa Food Bank make such a tremendous difference to people experiencing hunger within our community.

Our Fall 2021 newsletter provides a snapshot of how your contribution has helped, and features the dedication and hard work of Achille, our Warehouse Coordinator.

Interviewer: Can you tell me a bit about your work?
Achille: Yes, I’m responsible for ensuring orders are completed correctly and loaded onto the truck every day. Sometimes I do home deliveries if we don’t have enough volunteer drives.

Interviewer: How do financial gifts from our supporters help the work that you do?
: It helps so much. We didn’t get a lot of food donations during the pandemic, so the cash donations made sure we could keep providing food to people in need. Plus, we still need to purchase items that people don’t donate, such as baby products, bread, veggies and fruit, meat and dairy.

Interviewer: Is there anything you’d like our generous donors to know?
Achille: I’d just like them to know how very grateful we are for their support. Our entire operation depends on donations. It simply wouldn’t be possible without them. So, thank you!

This year, we are also thrilled to announce that through our Community Harvest Farm, we harvested over 130,000 pounds of food!

For the full story, as well as more highlights, click the button below to access the newsletter!


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