Crowvid19 est une sculpture en métal créée par David Harries qui a aidé à recueillir des fonds pour la Banque d’alimentation d’Ottawa.
Crowvid19 est une collecte de fonds tout à fait unique. Cette sculpture en métal a été vendue aux enchères chaque semaine, et le gagnant a pu héberger cette belle œuvre d’art pendant une semaine sur sa pelouse.
En un peu moins de 6 mois, cette levée de fonds a permis d’amasser un peu moins de 14 000 $ pour aider les membres les moins fortunés de la communauté d’Ottawa!
Suite au succès retentissant de sa collecte de fonds, nous avons décidé de poser quelques questions à M. Harries.
I came up with the idea for the fundraiser when I was initially creating Crowvid19 in the first few weeks of the lockdown. A friend saw an early photo I shared on social media, and I got a comment suggesting that I rent the sculpture out to people to have him perch on their porch. This sparked the idea to have a weekly auction to let people bid to « foster » him, with all the proceeds going to the Ottawa Food Bank.
Like many people in Ottawa I initially found myself unable to work due to the lockdown at the start of the pandemic. So many people unfortunately already depend on the Ottawa Food Bank to make ends meet, so I knew this would put an added strain on the organization. I have several friends who volunteer with the organization, and knowing there might be a greater need at a time when the community was really limited in terms of being able to donate food directly, it just seems like the right place to try and pitch in.
When we started out with the Crowvid19 fundraiser we never expected it would get this big and last this long. We’ve been just blown away by the support the community has shown to helping out the Ottawa Food Bank. And it’s also been a lot of fun to see the different communities pull together to raise money for a great cause. AND how excited people are when they actually « win » the chance to foster him for a week. We honestly thought we might be able to raise a few hundred dollars, so it’s been really something to see how much the community has gotten behind our little fundraiser.
I’ve been creating metal sculptures for a few years now, but Crowvid19 is by far and away my most ambitious project to date. Since people have seen some of my work I’ve actually gotten three other commissions. So if people were interested in my sculpture work, they could always check out my website: