Word Warz: It’s time to cheer on Stuntman Stu!

Our friends at Orleans Toyota and Bel Air Toyota are looking to make MAJIC 100’s Word Warz a little more interesting!

Every time Stuntman Stu wins Word Warz the dealership will donate $100
to the Ottawa Food Bank. When Angie Poirier wins, they will donate $50. 

This fundraising effort begins this week and carries on until December 20th.

For every dollar donated, the Ottawa Food Bank is able to provide $5 worth of food to the community. So in turn, each day’s competition could help to provide $250 to $500 worth of food to people in need in our city.

While we love both Stuntman Stu and Angie Poirier, we are biased here… so – GO STU GO!

Thank you to Orleans Toyota and Bel Air Toyota for this generosity, and thank you to MAJIC 100 for joining in on the fun.

Tune in every weekday morning and help us cheer on Stu and Angie during their daily Word Warz!


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