Information on Receiving Government Support — COVID-19

Government support covid-19 ottawa food bank

Applying for Employment Insurance (EI):

If you are sick or self-isolating, you can apply for EI sickness benefits online or over the phone. This will give you either 55 percent of your normal income or $573 per week, whichever is less.

If you did not pay into EI benefits last year, or if you didn’t work more than 600 hours, you can apply for the emergency care benefit. The Federal Government hopes to have applications open by early April.

Federal Assistance:

A number of new benefits have been announced by the Federal government as part of their Economic Response Plan to assist low-income individuals and those who have recently become unemployed as a result of COVID-19.

For much of what is being offered, the Federal government is hoping to have its online application process in place near the beginning of April.

Prosper Canada has nicely summarized the support offered to Canadians. To find how you can get help, please see:

Provincial Assistance:

There is new Provincial funding available to Support Municipalities, food banks, homeless shelters, and Individuals. The Ontario government is providing $200 million in social services relief funding:

The funding will help individuals who do not qualify for emergency financial supports under federal programs. The government is putting in place an expanded Emergency Assistance Program through Ontario Works to cover needs such as food, rent, informal childcare, and services. There will also be discretionary benefits available to those who already receive social assistance.

To receive this support, apply online here: 


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