Thank You to All Those Involved in Making Home Deliveries Possible

home deliveries ottawa food bank
Direct home delivery is a new service the Ottawa Food Bank introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to help people shelter in place.

In December, the number of home deliveries across Ottawa increased by 39% from the month before.

  • Thank you Amazon Canada for your contribution of $30K which helps cover the costs of home delivery from the holiday period and into the New Year.
  • Thank you volunteers! In December you donated 88 hours to deliver emergency food to households in need across Ottawa. Your time and effort helped relieve hunger and worry of 483 food bank clients who had to self-isolate for various reasons.

  • Thank you Evolugen! Your second donation of $25K in 2020 helped double the quantity of food provided to home delivery clients during the holiday period. In December 738 non-perishable food hampers and 495 fresh bags were directly delivered to the homes of self-isolating individuals and families across Ottawa. Your generosity continues to help individuals and families in the New Year!

  • Anonymous donors! Thank you for your early support and investment in the Ottawa Food Bank’s s home delivery program. The program operated for 42 weeks in 2020 and made 1,675 deliveries of emergency food across our city. With your help, 1,360 individuals received hampers containing staples like: legumes, grains, vegetables, fruit, dry pasta, eggs, milk, bread and a choice of: chicken or beef.

Below are some photos of some items included in hampers delivered to food bank clients.

Thank YOU!


2 Responses

  1. Hi,
    I can deliver food. I have little spare time and want to help distribute food.
    If you need volunteer please let me know.
    Thanks and stay safe and healthy.

    1. Hi!

      Thank you so much for thinking of us and for reaching out.

      The best way to lend a helping hand is to register onto our volunteer hub and sign up for volunteering events through this platform! Openings often open up in regards to shifts for delivering hampers.

      To access this platform, please follow:

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