The Ottawa Food Bank is deeply shocked and saddened by the horrifying, pre-meditated killing of 4 family members in London, Ontario simply because of their Muslim faith.
Our hearts are heavy with sadness for the innocent lives lost, the little boy now without a family, and for all people who are devastated by this hateful attack.
We are also angry that acts of Islamophobia and racism continue to happen in Canada. The Ottawa Food Bank condemns these hate-motivated acts. No one in our communities should have to live in fear.
The Ottawa Food Bank re-affirms its dedication to serving and working in partnership with our Muslim community members. #OurLondonFamily
Resources you can access to help:
- Naseeha is a Mental Health Hotline for Muslims and non-Muslims:
- The United Muslim Organizations Ottawa-Gatineau and other Muslim organizations in Ontario are directing people who wish to support the family members to the following fundraising site:!/