Happy Hunger Action Month!

Hunger Action Month Food Insecurity Poverty Ottawa Food Bank

Hunger Action Month is a nation-wide campaign in September to raise awareness of hunger in our communities, province, and country.

Hunger Action Month is a campaign to encourage our neighbours to take action in four ways: Educate, Advocate, Volunteer, and Donate.

Each week, we will make a post about ways to help in these key areas. Awareness and support are important because:

    • In 2019, Ontario’s food banks were accessed by more than 522,000 people who visit more than 3.2 million times.
    • Locally, over 39,000 people turn to a food program in their community every single month. 37% of food bank guests are children.
    • We are grateful for our network of 112 member agency programs who are there to help their neighbours.

We know that food banks are not the solution to hunger and poverty, but rather we are here to provide immediate emergency relief while advocating for long-term solutions that address the root causes of poverty.

Like the economic downturn in 2008, we anticipate that the rippling effects of the pandemic will be felt for months and years to come. We will be here to help our neighbours as they navigate through this tough time.

Lance Bass, singer for famous pop boy band NSYNC, understands the importance of Hunger Action Month and stands behind our cause!

To find out more on how you can volunteer and help your community, click the button below!

Thank YOU!


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